Thursday 26 November 2015

Personal influence

An art blog I follow called artists and artlovers is an inspirational page to me as this page posts a range of art diciplines and many different styles that could possibly be explored.

An artist that inspired me a lot through my recent exquisite corpse project was an artist called Eugenia Loli, this artist creates very proffessional, clean collage pieces containing imagery that juxtaposes to create a dream like reality with its own subjective narrative. 

I really enjoy her use of colour and sometimes inappropriate combinations of images, however no matter what the context it is always produced professionally and is always done tastefully.

A second artist who's work inspires me is Ben Heine, this artist combine photography and illustration to create a fun and playful reality in a very unique way.

I find this artist an inspiration because he uses the world around him for to gain ideas and then adds to his surroundings, also a technique like this has endless possibilities.

                             Own work:

This is a piece I created in response to Eugenia Loli's work, I made this by collaging vintage photographs of my great grandparents to give an authenticated feel, I then further developed these pieces by touching up any rough marks or cutting errors to create a multi-disciplinary series.

This is another piece of work I created, for this I simply completed an illustration of a Kiwi, my sources used were the internet. I did not have a particular influence for this piece of work however I am pleased with the outcome as I feel it is well drawn and the proportions and tonal ranges have also been completed well, however if I were to add to this piece I would take more time adding texture to the body as to make the image more realistic.